John Burkhardt

University of Michigan

Topics: Educational policy research (focused on the health professions) aimed to increase fairness, equity, and ultimately address health care disparities. This could include discussion around recruitment, admissions, selection of residents, curriculum, learner assessment, program evaluation, bias training and mitigation, and translational education research.

Availability: Winter/ Spring 2021, Fall 2021, After Fall 2021


John C. Burkhardt is an Assistant Professor in Emergency Medicine and Learning Health Sciences. In addition to Dr. Burkhardt’s clinical work in Emergency Medicine, he has earned both a Master’s and Ph.D. in Higher Education in order to expand his quantitative and policy analytic skills to address large scale professional education issues. His research focuses on critically reevaluating medical education policy to increase fairness, equity, and ultimately address health care disparities. This interest is grounded in a commitment to bring better alignment across key components of medical education so that, as a profession, we can more fully meet societal needs and the needs of our patients. His scholarship has included areas such as recruitment, admissions, selection of residents, curriculum, and assessment. He has chosen these areas due to a belief that there is a current mismatch between our stated goals of inclusion in the profession and our preparation of physicians to meet looming needs in areas of specialization (especially primary care and emergency care), the documented needs of traditionally underserved medical populations, and the way we select, recruit, and train medical students and residents. To address these issues in a novel manner, he also has expanded his research to include examining the effect of educational diversity on health care delivery in order to reconceptualize medical education as an underutilized lever in healthcare disparities amelioration.

Relevant Published Work

Burkhardt, J., DesJardins, S., & Gruppen, L. (2019). Diversity in emergency medicine: are we supporting a career interest in emergency medicine for everyone?. Annals of emergency medicine74(6), 742-750.

Burkhardt, J. C., DesJardins, S. L., Teener, C. A., Gay, S. E., & Santen, S. A. (2018). Predicting medical school enrollment behavior: comparing an enrollment management model to expert human judgment. Academic Medicine93(11S), S68-S73.

Burkhardt, J., Abir, M., & Durning, S. (2019). Medical school admissions: Defining the future of healthcare delivery in the United States. MedEdPublish8.

Gruppen, L. D., Burkhardt, J. C., Fitzgerald, J. T., Funnell, M., Haftel, H. M., Lypson, M. L., … & Vasquez, J. A. (2016). Competency‐based education: programme design and challenges to implementation. Medical education50(5), 532-539.

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Updated 1/11/2021