
SEISMIC is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive, and respectful community where everyone can thrive and do their best work (see SEISMIC’s task force definitions for DEI as guide). One urgently needed mechanism is one that allows individuals to safely report negative interactions or incidents within the collaboration. In furthering this mission, SEISMIC has created a reporting system for members to share their grievances and harm experiences that can be addressed in order to create this welcoming space.

We hope in creating this system to provide space and resources to support impacted parties, redress the harmful situation, promote education and dialogue, and affirm the collaboration’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

If you have experienced harm or witnessed someone else experiencing harm, you can submit a report to alert the collaboration. Reporting an incident allows us to support those impacted and take steps to prevent future incidents. The anonymity of the reporter is a high priority when generating and implementing the following plans. You can submit a grievance report anonymously or with your name. Reporting an incident does not necessarily mean you have to participate or move forward. If you request that no action be taken, we will weigh this request against our duty to maintain a safe community. 


Report an Incident


Any incident is considered harmful or negative if there is any conduct, speech, or expression whose impact leads to exclusion, intimidation, demeaning, mocking, degrading, marginalizing, or threatening individuals or groups based on that individual or group’s actual or perceived identities. This action is considered negative or harmful based on the impact of the action on an individual and not the intent of the action, whether motivated by bias/prejudice or not.


The anonymity of the reporter is a high priority when generating and implementing the following plans. The form allows the reporter to either remain anonymous or identify themselves to the committee. If the reporter does share their name, only the committee will be aware of it for the purposes of contacting them, offering support and working with them towards a resolution. The name of the reporter and the reported will not be shared with the larger collaboration. The committee and CoCo will only share de-identified information about the report to the larger collaboration for the purpose of educating the collaboration and informing the collaboration of steps taken.


  • Complainant/reporter: An individual who comes forward to report an incident they’ve experienced or witnessed, of discrimination, harassment, hate, or retaliation against or by a member of the collaboration.
  • Respondent/reported: A member of the collaboration who is charged with one or more acts of discrimination, harassment, hate, or retaliation.


A team of 2 rotating CoCo members (volunteer for 3 months) privately reviews all submitted bias incident reports and responds typically within 2 weeks of a reported incident. SEISMIC central will receive all the forms and will conduct a first review to ensure that there is no conflict of interest before it is passed to CoCo members. The reviewers will then review the report, reach out to the reporter and gather information to plan next steps or a response plan with the reporter to address the harm. The ultimate goal of the response plan is to redress the grievances submitted via the anonymous form. The actions and steps required for each submission will be unique, and therefore it is difficult to standardize a response, but some potential redress plans might include apology letters, policy changes and in extreme circumstances, permanent separation from the collaboration.


  • Offer the complainant and witnesses resources and support
  • Host conversation(s) centered around the incident and impacted person(s)
  • Co-create a response plan with the reporter of incident
  • Log all reported incidents and track for trends


  • The respondent accepts responsibility & a resolution is issued, with the consent of both the complainant and respondent
  • Apology letters or statements
  • 1-on-1 ongoing support & check-ins with impacted person
  • Engage leaders to address systemic issues through policy changes
  • Mediation and facilitated dialogue
  • Share resources to educate community around harm and prejudice
  • Share de-identified trends and responses with larger collaboration
  • Take disciplinary action


Impinge on free speech rights and academic freedom


Based on IU Bias Reporting & Response System & Website: